Sabtu, 13 Ogos 2016

#iKONCERTinMalaysia #RESPECTMuslim :')

*both are my fav, thanks to the owner XD*

according to my title, yah that emoji shows how I'm feeling right now. iKON datang Malaysia untuk tour diorang and I can't go! Can't! Nay, CAN'T GO! so, mereput je kat rumah sambil pegang KONBAT depan screen laptop. Herm herm sob sob nangis tengok perfomance diorang~

And iKON ni buat pecah rekod artis Kpop yang lain datang ke Malaysia sebelum-sebelum ni! Even tak dapat pergi, tapi vibe dia mengalahkan orang yang pergi Ira ni hahaha.

*pakai legging*
"I know muslim ikonic must pray, so we start on 7:30 " - iKON
No shirtless perfomance during Bang Bang Bang
 They're wearing leggings when Up & Down and Me Gusta Tu performance 
Bobby ask the fans if is it okay to continue the concert? (because that time muslims have to do Isyak pray)
 ^ ddah! It was so touchable!... menurut kajian Kpopper kepoci macam Ira ni, kitorang buat research, hanya artist YG je yang akan mengingatkan fans diorang untuk SOLAT! Goshh and iKON buat pecah rekod artis kpop lain dengan memakai legging waktu cover girl group. 

So, I'm proud to be iKONIC! Pada yang dapat pergi tu, Ira tahu korang mesti enjoy giler2 punya. Untunglah~ So, Ira jangan risau, besar nanti pergi fanmeeting diorang kat Korea sana. Takyah nak pergi tengok konsert diorang yang tentu-tentu nampak dari jauh je. *ayat pujuk hati* hahahaha kay lah nak sambung scroll video ngan pics yang Malaysian iKONIC send dekat ig dan twitter. Tata jangan kacau!


*phone sapelah beruntung sangat tu T~T*

*nak jugakkkk!*

*he looks so fine and matured here~*

2 ulasan:

  1. hi ^^ i just want you to know this, one of my friend that went to the concert said that iKON didnt say anything about 'pray' and started on 7.30 :D its just a rumour. anyway omg i just cant typing what im gonna type because i keep singing whistle song lol xDDD

    1. ohhh yah thanks for the information babe! hhahaha #blackpink4life
